For many decades, cyanuric acid, also know as chlorine estabilizar or conditioner, been made to be seen as the panacea for BIG chlorine savings, although, some cyanuric acid is desirable and recommended, going over 30 ppm is not recommended, and can actually give you more problems that you may be aware of.
In the pool industry, pool professionals have been trainned that chlorine is pH dependent, the lower the pH the higher the concentration of Hypochlorous acid (the active form of free chlorine that disinfects and oxidizes), the lower the pH, the hiher the concentration of hipochlorite ion (inactive free chlorine in the water), this is true to an extent
For many decades, cyanuric acid, also know as chlorine estabilizar or conditioner, been made to be seen as the panacea for BIG chlorine savings, although, some cyanuric acid is desirable and recommended, going over 30 ppm is not recommended, and can actually give you more problems that you may be aware of.